Friday, May 1, 2009

AhmadN's Quotes of the Week

"I will fight to know the truth, to spread it, till the day I catch my last gasp of air, I pledge to feed those around me, knowledge of such that will uncover the blindfolds that they have on them " - AhmadN

"Don't ever consider someone wrong, always think that they're confused or they've misunderstood" - AhmadN


Akmal Azeman said...

hmmm...thoughtful n nice. :)

btw. yep. i've seen u before sumwhere in PJ. hehehe :p

As said...

semangat gila bro
nak contohi


aimifirha said...

its so deep naeem...its apply to me now

Ahmad Naeem said...


U have?
Well good for you then,haha
Im not really outgoing,
so supposedly tak nampak la..


I think ur way better than me at this,
Am I right, yes?

Anyways, lets discover the truth, together, bringing down the very foundations that has kept all of us asleep!! :D

thanks, well sometimes we all say things that relates to certain things that other people are doing,

btw goodluck for ur pro exam


Dammit said...

badan hg dah naik. err, maaf lah ye aku komen pic pulak. haha

Ahmad Naeem said...


komen out of topic...

muscle tu muscle..hahaha