Friday, May 29, 2009

The Number You Called, Is No Longer Available For Obvious Reasons...

This syndrome I have, Carelessness, struck me once again.
I have been careful with whatever I do, say and see lately.
I have blossomed into a meticulous individual, well not all that meticulous.
Mama selalu pesan "You have to take care of your own things la?"
And yesterday that ill-famed saying was one of the first words that popped out.
On the way back from work, I dropped my beloved phone, I know, damn.

5 tahun sudah kita bersama,
Merempuh pelbagai ranjau duka,
Kau handphone yang ku paling chenta.
Kau terjatuh jutaan kalinya.

Tidak pernah aku menghempasmu,
Maafkanku tidak mahu kehilanganmu,
Tetapi apakan daya cuai membelenggu,
Selamat tinggal w750i -ku.

(melampau2 sampai buat puisi, melampau)

p/s: to all my friends+foes+secret admirers alike, if you happen to have my number in your phones, please text(number sama) me together with your names of course, thank you very much, Selamaaat~

Monday, May 25, 2009

Makan Crew Ep1 : Restoran Peladang + Laksa Janggus

Its time I blog about something different, for once, something that everyone would errr enjoy?


One fine Sunday, Makan Crew drove out to the depths of Balik Pulau, Penang in search for both the infamous "Restoran Peladang" and "Laksa Janggus"

We had little pictures of "Restoran Peladang" as we were only able to arrive around 1pm-2pm.
We had a little hiccup on the way here, we saw a family trying to change their flat tyre, so we gave our outmost help, although in the end the mechanic did everything, but its the thought that counts!

Restoran Peladang

This was our first stop for the day. Eventhough we arrived quite late, there were still a bucket load of choices for us to choose from which will allow you to completely satisfy your tastebuds.
The food was cheap and choices were aplenty, I had ikan pari+kankung+siput lala, hehe.

A kind reminder, if you were to drop by and eat here, make sure you get here at just about 11am, that is when everything is in place and plus the lauk pauk is still fresh

Kenyangggg o0o0o0, Alhamdulillah :D

If you head down to Penang, do come down to this side of the island, as it has all sorts of things that you could enjoy.


The Best Laksa In Town !!

If you think you want to have a say, go ahead, but I suggest you eat here first, sink your tastebuds then try saying NO, you just cant!!

Laksa Janggus Kak Timah, is located in Kampaung Perlis(hey I already gave you the address, look carefully).

The name Janggus came about because the shop is placed right under one Pokok Janggus, no kidding!

And You'll be amazed at how they run the place, nice,simple,old skool and clean, that is why they attract a lot of customers.

Plus, their location are in the middle of a kampung, in which most biz-minded people would say "tak strategik la cheq", tapi ramai jugak orang. Bak kata orang tua2 "kalau sedap mesti sanggup cari"

Kedai ni bukak around 3.30pm and closes at 7pm, its close on Wednesdays.

You could enjoy a bowl of laksa for just RM2.00, and for a bigger bowl its RM2.20, correct me if I'm wrong.

There is also various kueh and a very icy ice kacang to sooth your senses enduring the heat of the day.

Adunan Laksa Janggus

Big Pots of the Kuah makes your senses salivate,yes?

Makan Crew Model (cis,muka tak ikhlas plak,haha)

Saja pun letak dua ais kacang, baru hampa tengok kempunan dua kali, haha

okey dokey, thats all from Makan Crew, whenever we go to a kewl place to eat you'll get to see it!!

till then, goodbye Balik Pulau!! we will be back soon!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Elegy : Jatuh Tak Nampak Tanah

Dek musibah mau menimpa,
Datang menerpa tanpa dipinta,
Aku tersangkut dek bahana,
Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga.

Tangga menghempas hancur harapan,
Aku impikan menjadi teladan,
Kepada semua pelusuk insan,
Supaya jangan dipintas jalan yang ketandusan.

Aku ditimpa lagi cobaan,
Tak tahan badan ditimpa keruan,
Tangan disergah doa diucapkan,
Supaya dapat kutempuh apa dugaan.

Ini balasan bukan mainan,
Dibayar tepat sebagai peringatan,
Bangunlah dari segala igauan,
Tiada ada pintas jalan kejayaan.

Aku mula meratap wajah,
Mencari sinar manakan tercurah,
Aku mahu menjadi pendeta terserlah,
Menuntut ilmu cara yang indah.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

I cried watching this, and I am not afraid to admit it, how many of us out there value our parents? How many of you are affected by the scenes and happening in this movie?

Mothers? Fathers? We only kiss them goodbye during their respective funerals!!

Are we that shallow? Are we that thrifty? Do we deprive ourselves from loving our parents?

Parents, for all they'd care and want, is to see to it that they provide the best for their children and support them no matter what, and in all honesty, we should give them the care and love that we are capable of providing.

Shower them with your love while you still can, because when its too little too late, its already over, its gone, for good.

*sings Will Smith's Just The Two Of Us*

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Who's Looking After You?

Aku berjalan2 di salah sebuah gedung hypermarket berhampiran rumah aku beberapa hari lepas. Selalu kalau aku masuk hypermarket ni, mmg jalan cepat sangat, because I already know what I want to buy and I would'nt stick around and look at everyone trying to prise everything whilst their pocket meets its own depth.

So one of the things that startled me was this CCTV that was in place in the hypermarket.
Ada CCTV saja, tapi tiada adanya orang atau petugas untuk meneliti CCTV ni.

How much dependant or irresponsible are we?
Sampai membiarkan mesin sekonyong-konyong memerhatikan kita?

Jika ada sahaja malapetaka atau insiden yang tidak diingini berlaku, adakah kita termangu menunggu sudahnya kejadian baru mula ingin membanteras?

Di sini bukanlah sahaya untuk menidakkan wacana atau idea mengunakkan mesin CCTV, tetapi bahana manusia yang sering memperdaya diri sendiri dan tugas yang diambil secara sambil lewa adalah sebab musabab mengapa bertambahnya kes-kes segala macam dewasa ini!

Aku bukanlah jenis yang merungut secara konsisten, tetapi with my words comes action, telah aku tulis complain and letak dalam letter box hypermarket tersebut, harap2 take note!..

Aku harap the other places that has a CCTV ada petugas yang ditugaskan, ini soal keselamatan pengunjung tidak boleh dipandang enteng, tambah2 dengan kes kes culik kanak2 dan berbagai baur kes yang kian meningkat.

The machine looks after you and your family, but there's no one monitoring it!!

No one is monitoring the station(and yes I checked under the station as well just in case the worker is sleeping underneath it, nope he/she isnt there,lol)

p/s: I'd like to apologize regarding the super late update, been busy .

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Are You Ready To Unplug?

How often do we watch TV?
Why does one obey the need to keep their eyes peeled to this prevaricator of a box?
They strung their heads in need.
And when I say they,
Yes, I myself, has fallen into the rabbit hole.
But that doesn't mean that you have to stay there.
Claw your way back up!!
The rabbit hole drops deeper and deeper,
The rabbit hole tells you of things that are falsified,
By making them more presentable.

Reality Shows.

How many people would say that Reality Shows has not plagued
the country with a thirst, an obsession?
How many people may now stand up and defend these nauseating shows
that are thought by many to conjure up new talents?
The need to vote to save their beloved idols.
Look at everyone,
How they are obsessed with sitting in front of the box..
To give in all their time and spend their money.
on their beloved idols "righteous" path.
What has become of this world, as though being plagued morally isn't enough..
There are more elements to bring the socio society to extinction.

LIES + Propaganda..

TV always deviates the truth, always.
Any ruling power anywhere in the world are in control of it.
They twist the facts just to make them more presentable.
More marketable for the ordinary eye.
They lie all the time.

YES YOU!! Regular TV viewer, reading this right now!!

You have the look of a person that accepts what they see,
Because you have failed to wake up to the truth!!
You are reading this, and you know something.
Something of which you know but cant explain.
You know there is something wrong with whats been shown.
You don't realize what it is, But you know its there.
Its like a splinter in your brain,
Pricking insanely, driving you mad.

Is it all bad?

No. Absolutely not.

Obviously there are parts of the TV that
speaks the truth.
But nowadays, in this age where dog eats dog,
Most of whats been told are partly the truth.
Do you think things like documentaries and such could'nt and would'nt been
infiltrated by people who wants these facts deviated?
Yes, oh yes even documentaries!

Our community has been plagued.
Programmed to accept the comings of pandemics,epidemics,war ridden years and upcoming dangers.
We're becoming to dependent on the TV,
What comes out of it we obey, what it preaches all have been accepted to no avail.
There is no two ways about it.
The traffic flow of information such is so smooth

How many documentaries that tells you that 9/11 is an inside job?
Billions, yet NONE of em showed up in primetime TV.
You could just google them up in the internet.
But none showed up on TV.

How many people realized up till today that Tim-Osman is a
CIA agent, whom worked on the project and transformed
himself to Osama bin Laden?

Not many minds are conscious enough,
Not many have been unplugged,
You see,
And this you have to agree,
You are too busy and too caught up with time,
In your own little world.
An illumination that represents you.
Which allows you to be deviated from the truth.

I urge all of you!!
Reading this right now!!
Its time to WAKE UP,
The truth is only for those who seek them!

Bereft yourselves of this illness,
This mental poison that the box had
been feeding you all this while!

I urge all of us to free ourselves!
Our minds that are being enslaved to these unscrupulous tirade of lies!
READ BOOKS that instill knowledge, books of history, of relentless facts that helps
one generate their minds, build upon it!


Friday, May 1, 2009

AhmadN's Quotes of the Week

"I will fight to know the truth, to spread it, till the day I catch my last gasp of air, I pledge to feed those around me, knowledge of such that will uncover the blindfolds that they have on them " - AhmadN

"Don't ever consider someone wrong, always think that they're confused or they've misunderstood" - AhmadN