Monday, April 20, 2009

Di Ambang Maut

I would say yesterday was a close shave,

Aku hampir2 tercabut,
Akan nyawaku yang murahan ini,
Murah sangat dengan dosa,
Mahal sangat dengan pahala..

(ok ok, i wont write a poem,sheesh)

Aku dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah selepas menghantar rakanku,
There's two ways to get back to my place,
Sama ada aku guna jalan belakang,
Or the other road,

I always am reminded of how people will always mention " whatever it is your heart's telling you at the right moment, stick by it!! "

But I didnt listened, just like everybody else

Maka digunakanlah jalan belakang,
So, to get to my housing area,
Ada lah satu simpang tiga ni,
And the road at that particular time, 1.07am, wasnt busy.
So as I was approaching the traffic light,
On the other side of the road,
Aku nampak motor yang telah menghancurkan divider jalan,
And also I saw a body lying unconcious on the road, ALONE.

Just imagine, takdak orang langsung attend to this guy,
So I startled myself and I hurried myself to corner without
looking at the traffic light (which,yes,was already red)

Memang aku salah, aku mengaku,
Tapi the only thing that was going through my mind at that time
is that, the guy needs medical attention, and that no one is there
to help him off the road, just in case anyone else bangs him, he's done for.

So as I rushed into the corner,
Another car was coming the other way,
It wasnt there just now,
But when I needed to make a stunt, it's there.
Aku hampir hampir head's on collision dengan that car,
Both cars screeched their own brakes and almost got in each others way,
I went off and stop and quickly rushed to the guy's aid,

Badan dia macam terlipat sikit,
(I'm sorry for not having pictures but just imagine it, ok?)
The guy was apparently unconcious and I tried to check if he's still alive,
Indeed ,thank God he is still alive, I felt his pulse,

By that time,
Org dah mula ramai,
Biasalah orang Malaysia ni,
When it comes to accidents kan, mesti penuh berjela,
Tapi tadi awal2 takdak pun.

So as more people started to crowd themselves to death,
I decided it's time to move before I myself would take a place on the

p/s: Saya bersyukur kerna maseh bernyawa dan bernafas dalam lumpur maya yang tidak lama lagi akan membuatkan kita semua tenggelam.


As said...

there are many things in our life
which are

so close

Akmal Azeman said...

hihi. tak bc sbenanye lg tp still nk komen psl tips. AHAHAHAH! :p

ok. jom kite make it simple lah. like u said from d previous komen: mayb tak tersusun. haaa~~!! itulah dier! mmg betol. haihh! tp aku tak ckp pon takde theme??? jgn salah paham na~~~ ahaha. ko nyer emotional flow tu tak tersusun sgt la kire. bl ko nk include diff feelings, make sure ade flow so readers pon boleh feel skali ngn ko. boley terima?? hahah :p

p/s: nanti aku bc ko nye entry n kasik komen laen plak naaa~~~ hahahah

Akmal Azeman said...

ok. dah bc. haha.

anyway. this reminds me of the petikan time writing exam. ade sorg bdk kecik ni maen tools dlm garage (walaupon dah dilarang) pastu die mngalami accident camane ntah, tak igt. so ayh die nk bwk die g hospital, bwk keta bapak laju, langgar traffic lyte. so bdk ni kate kat ayh die: "ayah, kt skrg dlm masalah, jgn la tambah masalah lagi." huahua. menusuk kalbu, so ayh die pon bwk ngn lebih berhati hati.

btw. mayb mungkin tyme ko nmpk die tu, kejadian br berlaku la kot n mayb Allah nk selamatkan die ke ape, so tetiba rmai yg ade kat tmpt kejadian utk tolong. ade possibility ko adelah org yg pertama nmpk si mangsa tu. Allah itu Maha Pengasih bukan? huhu

Ahmad Naeem said...


yes ur right,
we always have encountered a lot of close calls,
well it teaches and reminds us,no?
im just thankful im still alive...


aiseh panjangnya

ok 1st up

erm bukan nak argue la
ok maybe i need to improve on my structure..
but oh times i just write what i feel like
hehe..tu la problem dia
i need it to be like that


yes i am thankful,
mmg bersyukur sgt2
first because i am still here
typing out this comment,
and second because that guy,
in spite of his recklessness is given a chance, and that people came to his aid
this experiences will always remind us of how close we are to death

Akmal Azeman said...

alamak aih. jgn lah slh paham plak. aku pon takmo argue. hehe. haa..alexander pope pernah tulis sebuah poem btjk:

"True Ease in Writing Comes From Art, Not Chance"

bclah poem ni. best!

p/s: aku suke lah bile hang gune pkataan 'na~~~' sbb bunyik die so penang-ish na~~~ hahah