Sunday, March 15, 2009

Elegy : Bingkasan Persepsi

Ok ok, aku paham, susah nak baca, so due to the numerous amount of critics i get
i decided to make it more readable :) selamaaat~

Jarum minit patuh Ibunya,
Terengsot-engsot mengejar masa,
Aku kelu tidak terkata,
Pagi yang indah senyap sedia,
Aku menerjah tingkap,
Membukanya dan aku tercungap,
Mendesak udara pagi ke dalam diriku,
Menghela nafas nafas baru,
Aku perlu bangun,
Dari ikatan rantai sang syaitan,
Mengikat ketat mahukan kemunduran,
Bertelagah aku dengan nafsu,
Bangunlah bentak hatiku,
Aku mula sedar,
Dunia tampak berhenti berputar,
Aku skizofernia,
Tanyakan diri sendiri,
Bagaimana ianya terjadi? Kenapakah aku begini?
Terhentak detas realiti,
Ah, punah, harapan ummah,
Ku tatap wajahku dalam cermin,
Refleksiku tersenyum sinis,
Berbaur segala persoalan,
Berjoget ikhlas dalam ingatanku,
Aku mengecur air liur,
Ada implikasi terhadap kelakuanku,
Ada pula jeritan intonasi protes dalam hembusanku,
Aku memusatkan pemandangan ilmiahku,
Tidak harus kita kaku,
Tidak harus mata melihat, tangan beku, lidah kelu dan otak keliru,
Titisan perjuangan hingga aku maut,
Selagi ada sang ombak di lautan,
Aku terbayang arus perubahan,
Aku terbayang akan kebahagiaan,
Akan datang jua,
Akan tiba tanpa menerpa,
Suatu hari tanpaku duga,
Hadirlah hadiah dariNya.

-AhmadN -


Matematis Muda said...

ya ampun
tak penat ke ko letak kaler2 gitu?
juz buat lawatan balas

As said...

ya ampun
i am about to say the same actually
tapi sangat best la, colourful tapi tak pening, which means it is well mixed. Creative betul..isk3..

btw, presepsi ke persepsi?

bila baca the poem dengan hadir jutaan warna, rasa lagi bermakna. Seolah terasa warna-warninya dunia. Ada hitam, ada kelam, ada cerah ceria, ade bahagia.

Moga betul2 hadir hadiah dariNya sooner. InshaAllah. Membaca seolah menyelusuri pandangan hati seorang insan.. ;)

Ahmad Naeem said...

Matematis Muda,

Agak penat la jugak,
aku nak make it colorful,
warna warni kehidpan lah katakan
thanks la visit blog aku


ha thanks for correcting me fot the 2nd time running,
hehe,mmg smlm tak perasan pun.

colorful taip tak pening?
erm thanks, its just a mix of colors yg i randomly click hehe,

and yes,
bila baca poem berjuta warna ni,
it adds more to the meaning,
hopefully kita semua dpt hadiah dariNya :)

azman said...

silau mata aku mmbaca posting ko...

anyway, the creativity is maveles!

Ahmad Naeem said...


silau ka?
just made it as colorful as possible :)

well thanks for visiting

Akmal Azeman said...

a'ah. silau. after bc poem tu terus klik ruangan komen, bile pandang bkground putih mata jd berpinar pinar. lol!! haha

i found dis poem hv a few ambigous meaning. bt im guessing, its about waiting for a brighter future to come?? eheh. buley terimakah itu wahai ahmad si poet? :P

Ahmad Naeem said...

Akmal Azeman,

thanks for the comments,
ya lah,
terpaksalah tukaq warna font ni,
i want people to read and enjoy the poem,
not be blinded by colors hehe,

about the meaning,
erm yes it is that,
and something more,
something hidden..
hehe..mysterious la pulak
well thanks again :)

Akmal Azeman said...

haha. i tot so. dats y its ambiguous. u r INDEED waiting for 2 things here...just like d rest of us. KOT. ahahah

anyway. lame nye tak update. bizikah??? owh. btw. review my poetry multimedia presentation!!! please please please~~~!!! hahah. mcm poyo je. :p

cheers! =D

Ahmad Naeem said...

erm well its not well hidden i see,
its good that people could see and understand the meaning..

well im working on a new one soon,
called "al-munafiq", check out that one soon..hehe

multimedia presentation?
inshaAllah..i will i will...
life brief candle izzit?...hehe

As said...

yeah chayyok2!!