Epilog : A Canceled Permit, A Dashed Dream
They have had their final say, and I respect their decision.
- My permit has been canceled today, and I have until tomorrow night to leave Indonesia, and be back to Malaysian soil.
- Without a doubt, one of the most lowest points and difficult time I am going through is right now.
- I am a man of patience and tolerance, but one could never hold back and watch his dreams crumble in front of his very eyes.
- Its just too painful. In a way, I savour the beauty of the this test during the holy month, and pray that I could hold myself together and walk past this atrocious storm, unharmed.
Hi Ahmad. I'm so sorry to hear that they have cancelled your permit n you have to come home. I hope you will stay strong. Mabye the almighty have something else planned for u. No matter I wish u the best in whatever u do. Chin up K ?
exactly. :) stay strong Ahmad.
wow! im speechless. i believe that there IS something else out there especially for u, only that u dont foresee it yet. hope u stay strong my fren :)
yet to see any tougher fren than you
and glad that im ur fren..
with my prayers...
may Allah heal ur heart...make u in peace..
atas ujian yang terlalu tinggi drNya buat naeem, moga semua ni lebih dekatkan kita padaNya
masyaAllah.. bersabarlah. Moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kamu. jgn putus harapan pada-Nya.
thanks for your amazing support through this difficult times,i appreciate it...
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