Sunday, May 20, 2012

Epilog : The Departing Coercion

  • No one ever look forward to goodbyes. Especially when the person going away has played a significant role in our lives.
  • I've been here for almost 3 years, and being in the ascendency I've seen through 3 international student coordinators come and go.
  • None is more posh going about his job than Dr Khaled. He's always been there for all Malaysian students in the Faculty of Pharmacy, his readiness to help at any given time amazes me.
  • Unlike most(hope I'm not being stereotypical) Egyptians, he's always bold and truest to his words. I thought when Dr Attallah went away we'd have trouble replacing such great assistance.
  •  After Dr Mamdouh came in for a short while, enter Dr Khaled, ready to give his all at any given time.
  • He helped fought tooth and nail to ensure us Malaysians have a separate classes, he helped built the case to go against the Dean and the Faculty's wishes. For this I think is his greatest ever gift to us all, and we're always indebted for what he's given us. 
  • I just wish everybody else could see and purely understand what he's done to help give us this opportunity. This semester was somewhat a revelation, a separate class, fully conducted in English, gives us all a breath of fresh air into our academic journeys.
  • Now that Dr Khaled's left the university,I felt an abhorrent hole crept open in my heart. I'd always have him to talk to with regards to studies and matters pertaining to the university, always there to give great advices,pointers to help us all lead our way.
  • I pray that he'll be successful with his stint in the States. You are a credit to the Egyptian people. All the best and may Allah bless your help for we are forever indebted to you. 

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