Thursday, March 31, 2011

Epilog : Still Running

  • The title writes itself I guess. Running, a passion of mine by which I can never master upon the art of perfecting it.
  • I always run by myself, alone. It's better to go by yourself at your pace. When I was in CUCMS I had Dzul, one hell of a runner, who never stops pushing himself.
  • I never found myself to be a long distance runner till I was at the end of school. That was when realized it, there and then, I would have to do this more often, that this was gonna be my thing.
  • And from there on out, I never looked back. I love running long distance. I always look to join marathons and charity runs.This wasn't for the sake of competing, but it's to learn more by observing others and put myself to test.
  • The one thing I hold onto when running is that, you plug in your earphones, you begin your run, and never ever look back. Always beat the small fearful soul in your mind, the voice that tells you to stop, these negativity has to be fought.
  • I will never consider myself a professional or anything even remotely close, as I do it, just because I love it. I do it out of my love of exploring and pushing myself to the extreme.
  • A lot of people always say that they can't run long distance, they can't endure those painful long non stop jogs. It's all a myth. The secret is that when you give it a go and never look back, you will unlock the best part of your limits, and all the undying negativity that stops you will be blown away.
  • When running, all you need is, proper clothing, running shoes and a good ass mp3 player loaded with songs that gives you that extra oomph. and oh yeah, JUST DO IT.

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