Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lost Beautiful Minds (series, ep1 The Cathartic Experience)

The Cathartic Experience

Why is it in today's modern society, with all it's overzealous globalization, and fast forwarding technology, the very minds of our society is still caught up in a trance state of ignorance?

Martin Wolf said "The problem today is not that there is too much globalization, but that there is far too little." Fast forward 6 years, and we've since learned that there's little truth in what was claimed by Mr.Wolf. The populous is too entrenched with materialism that it makes for a worrying statistical reading.

Look around yourselves, look at your friends, or God forbid, look at yourselves!

Stop. Breathe. Take another second to conjure up an ounce of thought.

There's an air of need in all of us, to keep up with upcoming fads and trends, to strive in order to not be left out, no? If you're shaking your head in disbelief, then I sincerely salute you, for your arduous struggle and your persistence against this vast growing populous that feeds on unnecessary neediness.

When dealing with trends and fads, sure enough, the distinguished power of advertising springs to mind. What better way to draw attention than advertisements, be it on the idiot box, a billboard or the internet.

When talking about adverts through TV for an instance, it is believed that our minds are entrapped in a trance state illusion as we peel our eyes, giving the idiot box all our attention span, our conscience undergoes a deep catharses.

Allowing us then to either fall for or reject outwardly whatever it is that's on display. That's is why you get emotionally skewed whilst watching a film or anything, it is the trance state illusion complexity that had shunned and mixed our distinct reality with the fantasy.

That's one of the true powers of the idiot boxes that lies in our very living room. It creates the cathartic experiences, we would cry,laugh and smile all at its will.

But this catharses could sometimes emerge as positive infatuation, but there are forces/ people who are keen to take advantage of this emotional conundrum, allowing viewers to be stuck with negative catharses.

Let me try to put prime key examples over the years of how it is done.

Take a good look at say, the news, and for an instance the recent quakes in Haiti was on, and the news gets us to be in such catharses that it affects us deeply to see people lose their lives.
This is indeed a positive infatuation from a positive catharses.

But it could all turn dark in an instant, from that key noted point that people had already purged their emotions, now banks, association would seem to lend their thoughtful hand, and help become a medium to transfer of money and such, but truth be told half or most of the money will be diverted someplace else.

I am talking based on the past experiences of the Aceh Tsunami incidents, Palestine Fundraisers and such.

The other example that could be given is the negative catharses that could be experienced, giving viewers a negative infatuation just about almost everything.

Take the 9/11 incidents for instant, to those unaware viewers, I assume had come to one simple conclusion that all Muslims are terrorists and that Islam is a religion that practices violence and such.

And the spotlight had never stop tending on anything at all. Every single mistake, every inch of opportunity they could do to bring the catharses to yet another level is one they would take to entice the hate to another level.

But of course for the educated, aware viewers would know very well to rationalize and have the truth sought out first rather than making conclusions based solely on their emotions.

be continued, inshaAllah.

Lost Beautiful Mind is a series that's written in urge and sincere efforts of the author to highlight different happenings in our society in search for the intellectual and beautiful thinking minds that is dissipating and disappearing every pasing minute.

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